When I started this blog, I didn't really have a good conception of what it would turn into. Based on my patchy history of sending email updates back to my family from University, I half figured that the blog would run for a while and then fizzle, or perhaps have only a few updates a month.
It did look like this would happen for a while in the summer, but then a few things happened. First, I got my new camera. Suddenly everything became an object of photographic interest, and the blog sprung to life in living colour. A good hardware investment, I think.

Second, I've let From Korea With Love develop naturally by posting things that aren't strictly about my life. Judging by comments posted my readers are most interested in my own adventures; however, I can't resist posting links to the things I'm reading, little tidbits from class, cool photos I've taken of Seoul, and sometimes even longer writing on issues I'm thinking about. I hope these are entertaining and informative, but am not too concerned since the blog is not only a way to communicate my life back home, but a snapshot of my life in Korea that I will be able to look back on later.
Overall, the blogging process itself has been quite pleasant. It's a combination of writing, photography, art direction and information curation that I quite enjoy.
So - here's to you on your 200th post, From Korea With Love. May your three readers continue to enjoy you as much as your writer has!